Maid of Honor: Claire Blandford Berrios, cousin of the bride
Best Man: Ramzi Zakhour, friend of the groom
Katie Barredo, sister of the groom
Lyne Doetzer, friend of the bride
Danielle Eck, friend of the bride
Carter Henley, friend of the bride
Beth Demmon Ivey, sister-in-law of the bride
Lindsey Leach, friend of the bride
Cassandra Nicholson, friend of the bride
Vincent Barredo, brother-in-law of the groom
Matthew Carroll, friend of the groom
Mason Flatau, friend of the groom
Barnett Greenberg, friend of the groom
Ashton Lynn Ivey, brother of the bride
Andre Markarian, friend of the groom
Lee Maxwell, friend of the groom